Muscle Testing Techniques
Explore the transformative power of muscle testing! This intuitive technique serves as a direct line of communication with your body, providing insights into imbalances and guiding you toward holistic wellbeing. With numerous styles available, the key is finding the one that resonates with you.
Muscle testing empowers you to tap into your body's wisdom, uncover hidden stressors, and pave the way for a more balanced and vibrant life.
During a session, I encourage you to validate my findings for yourself, empowering you on your healing journey. Applied kinesiology, also known as manual muscle testing, is one of the techniques you can learn and practice.
To get started, try one of the techniques shown below or explore different forms of muscle testing online until you find the one that resonates with you.
Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Stay hydrated before practising.
Keep your mind clear.
Apply 'baby' pressure.
Do not focus on your fingers, hands, or arm.
Note subtle differences between a yes and no answer.
Only ask simple yes or no questions.
To practice, start by saying
"My name is (say your name)" and test the muscle. The muscle should test strong.
Then, say "My name is (say a name that isn't yours)" and test the muscle. The muscle should test weak.
Next, say "I live in (state where you live)" and test the muscle. The muscle should test strong.
You can find pictures and more information on different ways to muscle test below.
Thank you, and I hope this helps you get started on your muscle testing journey.
Best regards,
One Handed Test

Using your dominant hand, gently rub your index finger and thumb together. Your fingers will stick with a negative response.
Place your middle finger over your index finger and apply pressure. The Middle finger remains strong for yes and weak for no.

Two Handed Test

Lock together two circles using your thumbs & index fingers.
State your question whilst applying simple pressure.
Strong – circles hold;
Weak – circles break.

Create a circle with your index finger & thumb. Place your other index finger & thumb within the circle.
State question whilst applying simple pressure.
Strong – circle holds;
Weak – circle breaks.